Volume #2 - Issue #2
(Issue #20)
October 23, 2000

Ok, folks. Here's the deal. The site re-design is almost complete, but it will take another week or so to get all of the content moved over. So, the official release of ScowlZine version 2 will be November 27.
Don't believe me? Ok... click here to see the prototype for the new ScowlZine. See you in a week.
-- Avery



ScowlZine Departments

Note from the Editor

From the Editor-in-Chief: October 23, 2000. The second issue of the second year.

The work on the ScowlZine redesign is progressing... slowly. Very slowly.

Very, very slowly.

I'll finish it eventually - and trust me, it will be grand. Until then, you'll just have to placate yourself with the best damned articles that ScowlZine has seen!

Read on, and enjoy.

Read Avery's Bio

Past Entries from Avery

Mars Needs Women, ScowlZine Needs Writers!
Have you thought about writing for ScowlZine? Well, stop thinking about it and drop the editors a line with a story idea or sample. Just click on Contact Us! and follow the directions!


Rants and Opinion

Chris Ravlin: Where have you gone, Joe Lieberman?
As the election draws closer, Chris remembers an angrier, more self-assured Joe Lieberman. In this issue's political report, Chris Ravlin reflects on Lieberman's political life and wonders if this gool ol' Joe's best days are behind him.

Read Chris' Bio

Past Entries from Chris

Frank Marcopolos: Deconstructing Napster (Part 2)
This issue, Frank dissects the recording industry and wonders if for the better good of the Internet, Napster must be shut down for good.

Read Frank's Bio

Past Entries from Frank

Jim Covaleski: A Napster-User's Confession
And in the other corner, weighing in at 7 gigabytes on this Napster battle is Jim Covaleski. With a little logic and a touch of Yothu Yindi, Jim takes on the Napster bashers. Who will win this epic war?

Read Jim's Bio

Past Entries from Jim



Ash's Advice: The Human Wang is a Wonderful Thing
Ash unzips the average man's pants, reaches her hand inside and whips it out... just to make her point that the human wang is a wonderful thing.

How can we have a sex questions-and-answers column if nobody writes in with a question? Come on, we're not into faking it here at ScowlZine, be it orgasms or letters! Send all questions to advice@scowlzine.cx

Read Ash's Bio

Past Entries from Ash


Food and Drink

Bruce Alexander: ConnectiCrust: Pepe's Revisited
If Bruce was a devout Muslim, he'd bow regularly to Mecca. Luckily for us, he's a devout pizzaouli, and instead of facing East, he turns South to the wonderful land of New Haven, CT - home of the best pie in the world.

Read Bruce's Bio

Past Entries from Bruce


The New England Beer Reviews
The New England Beer Reviews is a listing of beers available in New England and New York ranging from local brewpubs to international imports. No new entries for issue 20.

The Ghetto Wine Reviews
For those of us with Champagne taste and Champale budgets, ScowlZine has the Ghetto Wine Reviews. All wines under $10 (ok... maybe some really expensive ones at $20)... and none of them with screw-off tops. No new entries for issue 20.

The Hostile Gourmet
Sick of the typical restaurant reviews found in the Hartford Advocate and Courant? The Hostile Gourmet carves up every one of Connecticut's "Sacred Cow" restaurants and serves it up just like we likes it... rare and bloody. No new entries for issue 19.



Sean Simmans' The Believable Truth
Somewhere between the possible and the plausible lies The Believable Truth... and now you can find these truths at ScowlZine a full month before they appear anywhere else!
This issue, we bring you four ScowlZine-exclusive installments of The Believable Truth: BT#120, BT#121, BT#122 and BT#123

Read Sean's Bio

Past Believable Truths


From the Editor's Desk

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ScowlZine (c) 1999 - 2000, Avery and Janet Glasser.
ISSN Number: 1527-2915