Drek from the Editors

Awards that Scowl, Nu? has won (last updated 8/25/99)

Introducing the Scowl Site of the Moment!!

[Avery] 7/30/99
Added some new graphics and Javascript on the Site Map section.

[Avery] 7/6/99
Fixed some defects on the Meet Us Javascript that have probably been there for months...

[Avery] 6/24/99
We've changed the code for the What's New page. The new javascript code should work with all version 3 or better browsers.

[Avery] 4/24/99
Over the last week, we have been adding CSS to the whole site. If this causes any problems with your viewing pleasure, please email us at errors@scowl.nu.

[Avery] 10/8/98
Welcome to Scowl, Nu? Version 3.0.

[Avery] 9/29/98
Changing some fonts. If you don't like it... let us know.

[Avery] 9/6/98
Many many changes... added some new CSS to the website. PLEASE! If you have any problems with the site, let us know by leaving a note on the message board.

[Avery] 9/4/98
As you can see, we've added some new backgrounds to the site. If you have an opinion regarding the new design, (good or bad) send us an email or post a message on the Message Boards. (9/16/98 - The backgrounds are gone. Nobody liked them, including us!)

[Avery] 8/30/98
I have been getting some odd 404 errors when I click on some of our links, but when I click a second time, it works fine. Best (the webhosting company that we use) hasn't experienced any server anomolies, and I have checked the directories and all of the files are there. If you have any 404 or "Server has returned .." errors, please let us know on the System Glitches message board. Thanks!

[Avery/Janet] 8/16/98
Woo hoo! We won yet ONE MORE award! This makes FOUR in one week!

[Avery/Janet] 8/13/98
Woo hoo! We won yet another award!

[Avery/Janet] 8/12/98
Woo hoo! We won another award!

[Avery/Janet] 8/11/98
Woo hoo! We won another award!

[Avery] 8/10/98
Doing some Javascript work... I have heard reports that Netscape version 3.x is having a problem with the site. If so, I recommend upgrading to Netscape 4.0 or IE version 3.x... Nevertheless, please report all glitches on the message boards.

[Avery] 7/28/98
Welcome to Scowl version 2.0. Hope you like it!

[Avery/Janet] 7/25/98
Corrected some more typos while watching Mel Brooks' History of the World.

[Avery] 7/21/98
Added some Javascript in preparation for a new Revisions page which will be easier to negotiate. Yes, we have added cookies. All they store is a date/timestamp. Cope with it, people.

[Janet] 7/21/98
Fixed all of the typos in everything but the Lower haight Resource Guide.

[Avery] 7/16/98
Well, we have joined the Chapter Two and Open Pages webrings. Click here for more info.

Also, here is that verdammt banner if you want it.

[Avery] 7/15/98
Cleaned up some bad links. Hated seeing those 404 errors!

[Avery] 7/13/98
Scowl, Nu? has been chose to be the Nuweb Site of the Day for July 14, 1998! It's our first award. *sniff*

nuweb of the day

[Avery] 7/8/98
As you can tell, the format has been completely overhauled! Let us know if you like it!
You can how get to our personal pages by going to "MEET AVERY AND JANET".

[Avery] 7/6/98
In an effort to yiddishize the site, the Notes section has been renamed to Drek.

[Avery] 7/1/98
8:00am - it looks like the primary DNS conversion is working beautifully.
Please let us know if there are any problems accessing the pages!

[Avery] 6/30/98
At 10:00am PST, Scowl, Nu? moved from its previous home at WENET.Net to Best.com.
Tonight at 6 PM, the registered domain of <scowl.nu> well be moved from the Netcorps autoforwarding frame to the DNS servers at Best. There shouldn't be ANY outages due to this move.

[Avery] 6/29/98
Service Notes: On 6/30/98, a number of changes are going to happen on Scowl, Nu?, the most significant being a move from WENET.Net to Best.com.
This is being done for a number of reasons, most specifically because WENET does not allow cgi-bin scripting nor does it allow access to the raw log files for the site.
If all goes according to plan, there will be no outages due to this move.

[Avery] 6/28/98
Ok, I've been reading through everything that we've put up over the last few days, and I notice that there is a heck of alot more yellow [Avery]'s than green [Janet]'s. I just want to explain this a little. Due to the connectivity that I have at my office, I can make updates during the business day (on my breaks, really). Janet's internet connections at the office are much more limited. I just want to reiterate that this is a project that we are co-editing... it is not an Avery or a Janet project where the other person just helps. OK???